
Fushan Botanical Garden

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Fushan Botanical Garden collects and grows woody plants systematically from mid and low-elevation areas of Taiwan to provide for forestry research, teaching practice and environmental education as well as preserving plant genetic diversity.

Currently, there are 135 families, over 700 species and altogether more than 4000 individual plants in Fushan Botanical Garden. In order to meet the demands of tourism and improve botanical garden education, the management of the Garden allows entry to a limited number of visitors

The Botanical Garden consists of 4 exhibition zones, Natural Classroom, Tree Exhibition, Plants and Human Life, and Forest Discovery. There are detailed interpretation boards with maps of each zones present in the Garden as well as facilities for tourists, including seats, pathways, navigation aids, bridges, pavilions and outdoor classrooms are provided.

Click the map for details

分區導覽圖 自然教室區 自然教室區 森林探索區 森林探索區 樹木展示區 樹木展示區 生活植物區 生活植物區

Guide map

  • Total walking hours:1.5~2 hours
  • Total distance:3010 meters

Trail distances:

  • (1) Nature Classroom about 420(m)
  • (2) Tree Exhibition about 1050(m)
  • (3) Forest Discovery about 750(m)
  • (4) Plants and Human Life 790(m)
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