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第一作者 作者群 文章名稱 期刊名 期(卷) 頁數 年分
Horng, F.W. R.C. Huang. Effect of sample treatments on estimation of in situ soil available nitrogen of the Fushan hardwood Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 14(3) 331-337 1999
Owen, J.S. Wang, M.K., Wang, C.H, King, H.B. and Sun, H.L. Net N mineralization and nitrification rates in a forested ecosystem in Northeastern Taiwan Forest Ecology and Management 176 519-530 2003
Liu, Chiung-Pin Lu, Shiang-Yue; Wang, Chiu-Hsien; Hwang, Liang-Shin Soil Solution Chemistry on the Three Slopes of A Natural Hardwood Stand in the Subtropics of the Fus Soil Science 173(12) 845-856 2008
蔡書憲 韓亞盤 ; 張鈺苹 ; 楊盛行 Soil Bacterial Community Composition across Different Topographic Sites Characterized by 16S rRNA Ge Botanical Studies 50(1) 57-68 2009